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Wigmore Trading: Lights & Lighting Suppliers in Lagos Nigeria
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Wigmore Trading: Lights & Lighting Suppliers in Lagos Nigeria


Lighting is one of the most essential elements of interior design and architecture. As such, lighting must be as effectively utilized and intentional as every other component of a space. Whether adding light accents to a room or choosing the right type of lamp for a specific area, you can enhance the feel and functionality of your home with lighting. There are many types of lighting that you can use in your home. Wigmore Trading is a leading lights & Lighting suppliers in Lagos Nigeria company which provides quality LED lights from its branch in Lagos. There are many different kinds of lighting that you can choose based on the effect you want to achieve and the function it needs to serve. Let’s take a look at some different types of lighting that you may want to consider using in your home:

Task Lighting

Task lighting is any source of artificial light designed to illuminate a particular area in a manner that is both focused and effective. These light fixtures might be placed with the intent of illuminating a desk during an office work day, or a kitchen counter when preparing a meal. These fixtures are often equipped with adjustable heads to allow for an optimal position to suit the needs of the user. Some considerations when buying task lighting include type of bulb (incandescent, halogen, fluorescent, or LED), brightness, durability, and style.

Decorative Lighting

Decorative lighting refers to lights that are primarily decorative in nature and are generally used to create a desired aesthetic in a room. Decorative lighting fixtures are not generally meant to provide significant amounts of light to a room but rather create an effect through the way the light is being projected. Some considerations when buying decorative lighting include brightness, durability, and style.

Ambient Lighting

Ambient lighting is light that is provided throughout a room rather than in specific places. This type of lighting can be used to create a soft mood or surrounding in a room and can be used to complement other types of lighting. This type of lighting is usually provided using low-wattage bulbs. Some considerations when buying ambient lighting include brightness, durability, and style.

Accent Lighting

Accent lighting is light that is focused on specific areas inside a room in order to draw attention to them. These light fixtures might be placed above artwork or on a side table next to a piece of furniture. These lights are often placed on a dimmer so that they can be adjusted for the desired effect. Some considerations when buying accent lighting include brightness, durability, and style.

LED Wall Washers

Wall washers are fixtures that are mounted directly to a wall or can be placed on a wall-mounted bracket. These fixtures are often used to light up a wall or architectural feature like a fireplace. They produce light that can be focused on one area or can be diffused to produce a more ambient effect. Some considerations when buying wall washers include brightness, durability, and style.

LED Ceiling Washers

Ceiling washers are fixtures that are mounted directly to the ceiling. These fixtures can be used to light a room or a portion of a room. Popular types of ceiling washers include the pendent, semi-flush, and suspension. Some considerations when buying ceiling washers include brightness, durability, and style.

LED Strip Lights

Strip lights are fixtures that produce light by using long strips of LED lights that are either mounted directly to a wall or placed on a wall-mounted bracket. These fixtures can be used to add extra light to areas of a room or can be used as supplementary lighting for a larger room. Some considerations when buying strip lights include brightness, durability, and style.


Lighting is an essential element of interior design and architecture, as such, lighting must be as effectively utilized and intentional as every other component of a space. Whether adding light accents to a room or choosing the right type of lamp for a specific area, you can enhance the feel and functionality of your home with lighting. There are many types of lighting that you can use in your home. Wigmore Trading is a leading lights & Lighting suppliers in Lagos Nigeria company which provides quality LED lights from its branch in Lagos.

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