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How Much Does it Cost to Travel from Lagos to Ekiti?
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How Much Does it Cost to Travel from Lagos to Ekiti?

Nigeria is a massive country, and traveling from one region to another can be quite a hassle. In addition to that, it also comes with a cost. Whether you’re traveling by road or air, you need to be prepared to spend some money on your journey. The good news is that there are several ways in which you can reduce the expenses of traveling, especially if you’re planning on making this a regular thing. Here is an insight into the costs of traveling from Lagos to Ekiti as well as some tips on how to save money while doing so.

How Much Does it Cost to Travel from Lagos to Ekiti?

The cost of traveling between Lagos and Ekiti depends on a number of factors, including the mode of transportation, the time of year, and the class of travel. If you’re taking a bus, you can expect to pay around NGN 1,800. That is the average cost of a one-way ticket on a bus. If you’re flying, the average price of a one-way ticket is around NGN 16,000. If you’re planning on taking public transport, then you can expect the journey to take anywhere from 12 to 24 hours. If you’re traveling by air, you can expect the journey to take around 3 hours. The price difference between these two modes of transportation is significant and may not be worth it for some people.

What’s the shortest way to travel from Lagos to Ekiti?

As mentioned above, the journey from Lagos to Ekiti can take anywhere between 12 and 24 hours. This greatly depends on the mode of transportation you choose. If you’re taking a bus, then the journey will take much longer than if you’re flying. There’s also the option of traveling by train if you want to travel the shortest way possible. The journey by train takes just under 4 hours and is an affordable way to travel between the two cities. Unfortunately, the trains make very few stops along the way, so you’re unlikely to be able to get off and explore other cities along the way. In order to travel the shortest way possible, you should choose between three modes of transportation: bus, train, or plane.

How much does a bus ticket cost from Lagos to Ekiti?

As already mentioned, if you’re planning on taking a bus, you can expect the journey to take 12 to 24 hours. It all depends on the mode of transportation you choose. A one-way ticket will cost you somewhere between NGN 1,400 and NGN 1,800. These prices are quite affordable, but they don’t account for any additional expenses. A single journey usually costs NGN 1,800, but if you’re planning on traveling with a group of people, you can get a discount. If you’re traveling with a group of four or more people, then you can get a discount of 10%. The more people you travel with, the cheaper the journey becomes. If you’re traveling with a large group of people, then a bus journey may be the best option for you.

Is it possible to go from Lagos to Ekiti for free?

The short answer to this question is no. You can’t travel from Lagos to Ekiti for free, especially if you’re expecting to travel in comfort. There are only a few ways to travel from Lagos to Ekiti for free, and they are only available to those with a certain skill set. If you’re a doctor, nurse, or paramedic, then you can expect to be paid to travel with a medical transportation company. If you have skills in the field of aviation, then you can expect to be paid by an airline company. If you work for the army or navy, then you can expect to be deployed to distant countries and travel for free.

Which is the cheapest month to travel from Lagos to Ekiti?

The cheapest month to travel from Lagos to Ekiti depends on the mode of transportation you choose. If you’re taking a bus, then the best time to travel is between June and August, when the weather is warm and there are no rainy seasons. If you’re flying, then the best time to travel is between March and October. This is when the weather is warm and there are no rainy seasons. If you’re planning on traveling during the rainy season, then you should be prepared to get wet. During the rainy season, it’s not uncommon to get caught in the rain while traveling, especially when traveling by bus.


The journey from Lagos to Ekiti can take anywhere between 12 and 24 hours. That all depends on the mode of transportation you choose. If you’re taking a bus, then the journey will take much longer than if you’re flying. There’s also the option of traveling by train if you want to travel the shortest way possible. You can expect to pay somewhere between NGN 1,400 and NGN 1,800 for a one-way ticket on a bus. The price difference between these two modes of transportation is significant and may not be worth it for some people. If you’re planning on taking public transport, then you can expect the journey to take between 12 and 24 hours. If you’re flying, then the journey will take only a few hours. The cheapest month to travel from Lagos to Ekiti depends on the mode of transportation you choose. If you’re taking a bus, then the best time to travel is between June and August, when the weather is warm and there are no rainy seasons.

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