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Wigmore Trading: The Best Cocoa Beans Supplier in the USA
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Wigmore Trading: The Best Cocoa Beans Supplier in the USA

When you think of the word “chocolate”, the first things that come to mind are probably not the process of making it or where to find the finest cocoa beans. And yet, these are precisely the kinds of details that make all the difference in the final product. After all, what is chocolate without cocoa beans? A truly great piece of chocolate must be made with great cocoa beans – nothing less will do. That is why we’re happy to introduce you to Wigmore Trading. They are one of the best cocoa bean suppliers in the United States and have everything you need to produce high-quality chocolate products from scratch. Let’s take a closer look at what makes them so special.

Who Are Wigmore Trading?

Wigmore Trading is a family-owned and operated cocoa bean supplier based in Miami, Florida. They have been in business for over 40 years and are now one of the premier suppliers of cocoa beans in the United States. When you buy your cocoa beans from them, you can be sure that they were grown, harvested, fermented, and roasted with care. They source their beans directly from farmers who follow strict sustainability and fair trade practices. This ensures that everyone involved in the growing and harvesting process is treated fairly and paid a living wage. Wigmore Trading is also a Top 20 cocoa bean supplier in the world. This means that they are one of the biggest players on the market. With their large network of growers and suppliers, they can provide a variety of different types of cocoa beans to meet all your needs. They have been supplying cocoa beans to the food industry and chocolate makers for more than 40 years, so they know their stuff. If you are looking for quality cocoa beans, Wigmore is the place to go.

Why Buy From a Good Supplier?

As we mentioned above, the quality of your cocoa beans makes a huge difference in the final product. Cheap cocoa beans are more likely to contain impurities, less flavor, and be difficult to grind. On the other hand, high-quality cocoa beans are full of flavor, easy to grind, and produce a better-tasting chocolate. When you buy cocoa beans from a good supplier, you will have a much easier time making your product. You can be sure that the beans are fresh, high-quality, and free of impurities. You won’t have to worry about them being difficult to grind or tasting bland. And you can be sure that the end result will be a premium-quality chocolate.

Where to Find the Best Cocoa Beans

You can find cocoa beans in many different places, but many of them aren’t worth your money. Here are some of the most popular options along with the pros and cons of each: – Specialty Stores: These are great if you have a store nearby that you can visit in person. If you do, you will be able-to see and smell the cocoa beans. This will help you make sure that they are fresh. Unfortunately, not all people have easy access to these stores. Even in big cities, not all of them will have a specialty store. – Specialty Online Stores: If you prefer to buy online, you can do that too. There are many online specialty stores that offer high-quality cocoa beans. The only disadvantage of online shopping is that you can’t touch or smell the beans. You will have to rely on pictures, descriptions, and reviews. This means that you’ll have to be careful and follow our tips below to make sure you don’t end up with bad beans.

What’s so special about their beans?

We’ve already discussed how important it is to get high-quality cocoa beans. But what exactly makes a cocoa bean “high-quality”? It all comes down to flavor. You want your cocoa beans to have a deep, rich flavor – that’s what makes them delicious! The flavor comes from cocoa solids that are found inside the bean. The cocoa bean itself is about 50% cocoa solids, 25% cocoa butter, and 25% other non-edible components. Cocoa solids are what make chocolate taste like chocolate. They are responsible for its unique flavor, color, aroma, and mouthfeel. The higher the cocoa solids content, the better the quality of your chocolate will be.


So now you know everything you need to about cocoa beans and their importance in the chocolate-making process. You also know where to buy high-quality cocoa beans and what to look for when shopping. Unfortunately, it isn’t easy to find the best cocoa bean supplier. This is why we created this article. We wanted to make your life easier by introducing you to Wigmore Trading – the top cocoa bean supplier in the United States. Wigmore is a family-owned business based in Miami, Florida. They have been in business for over 40 years, and they are one of the premier suppliers of cocoa beans in the United We suggest that you buy your cocoa beans from them. You won’t be disappointed!

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