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An Overview of The Top 20 Nigerian Agricultural Exports Produce
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Top 20 Nigerian Agricultural Export Produce

Nigeria is a country rich in agricultural resources, and its diverse climate allows for the cultivation of various crops that are vital to both the local and international markets. Here is a detailed overview of the top 20 agricultural products exported from Nigeria, showcasing their economic importance and contribution to the country’s GDP.

1. Cocoa Beans

Overview: Nigeria is one of the largest producers of cocoa beans in the world. Cocoa is primarily grown in states like Ondo, Ogun, and Cross River.

Export Destinations: Netherlands, Germany, and Belgium.

Economic Impact: Significant contributor to foreign exchange earnings.

2. Sesame Seeds

Overview: Sesame seeds are one of Nigeria’s leading agricultural exports. They are cultivated in states like Benue, Nasarawa, and Jigawa.

Export Destinations: Japan, Turkey, and China.

Economic Impact: High export value due to global demand for sesame oil and tahini production.

3. Cashew Nuts

Overview: Nigeria is a major producer of cashew nuts, with key producing states including Kogi, Kwara, and Oyo.

Export Destinations: India, Vietnam, and the United States.

Economic Impact: Valuable for its nut and oil content, contributing significantly to export revenues.

4. Rubber

Overview: Rubber is another crucial export product, mainly produced in states like Edo, Delta, and Ondo.

Export Destinations: Malaysia, India, and China.

Economic Impact: Important for the production of tires and other rubber products.

5. Palm Oil

Overview: Nigeria has a long history of palm oil production, with major production areas in Cross River, Delta, and Rivers states.

Export Destinations: India, Malaysia, and Singapore.

Economic Impact: Used in food products, cosmetics, and biofuels, contributing significantly to export earnings.

6. Ginger

Overview: Nigeria is among the top producers of ginger, particularly grown in Kaduna state.

Export Destinations: United States, United Kingdom, and China.

Economic Impact: Highly valued for its medicinal and culinary uses.

7. Soybeans

Overview: Soybeans are widely grown in states like Benue and Kaduna.

Export Destinations: China, Egypt, and Germany.

Economic Impact: Essential for oil production and livestock feed.

8. Cotton

Overview: Cotton is a significant agricultural product in Nigeria, with production concentrated in the northern regions.

Export Destinations: Bangladesh, Vietnam, and Indonesia.

Economic Impact: Important for the textile industry.

9. Yams

Overview: Nigeria is the largest producer of yams globally, with major production areas in Benue, Taraba, and Niger states.

Export Destinations: United States, United Kingdom, and Canada.

Economic Impact: Significant for food security and export.

10. Shea Butter

Overview: Shea butter is primarily produced in the northern regions of Nigeria.

Export Destinations: United States, France, and Japan.

Economic Impact: Used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.

11. Cassava

Overview: Nigeria is the largest producer of cassava, with major producing states including Kogi, Benue, and Delta.

Export Destinations: China, Indonesia, and Malaysia.

Economic Impact: Used in food, animal feed, and biofuels.

12. Rice

Overview: Although Nigeria imports rice, it also exports significant amounts, particularly from states like Kebbi and Ebonyi.

Export Destinations: Neighboring West African countries.

Economic Impact: Key staple food contributing to agricultural GDP.

13. Gum Arabic

Overview: Produced in states like Borno and Yobe, gum arabic is a significant export product.

Export Destinations: France, United States, and India.

Economic Impact: Used in the food and beverage industry.

14. Hides and Skins

Overview: Nigeria exports large quantities of hides and skins, primarily from the northern regions.

Export Destinations: Italy, Spain, and China.

Economic Impact: Crucial for the leather industry.

15. Maize

Overview: Maize is a key agricultural product, with major production areas in Kaduna, Niger, and Oyo.

Export Destinations: Neighboring countries like Niger and Benin.

Economic Impact: Important for food security and livestock feed.

16. Groundnuts (Peanuts)

Overview: Groundnuts are widely grown in northern Nigeria, especially in Kano and Katsina.

Export Destinations: Indonesia, China, and Netherlands.

Economic Impact: Used in oil production and as a protein source.

17. Pepper

Overview: Nigeria is a significant producer of various types of pepper, particularly in states like Kano and Sokoto.

Export Destinations: Europe and Middle Eastern countries.

Economic Impact: Valued for culinary and medicinal uses.

18. Fish and Seafood

Overview: Nigeria exports fish and seafood, particularly from the Niger Delta region.

Export Destinations: United States, China, and European Union.

Economic Impact: Important for food security and export revenues.

19. Pineapples

Overview: Pineapples are produced in states like Osun, Edo, and Anambra.

Export Destinations: Europe and Middle Eastern countries.

Economic Impact: Significant for the fruit export market.

20. Bananas and Plantains

Overview: Majorly produced in southern Nigeria, particularly in states like Edo and Delta.

Export Destinations: Europe and neighboring African countries.

Economic Impact: Important for food security and export.


Nigeria’s diverse agricultural sector plays a crucial role in its economy. These top 20 agricultural exports not only provide significant foreign exchange earnings but also support the livelihoods of millions of Nigerians. The continued growth and development of these sectors are vital for the nation’s economic stability and growth.

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