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How To Become A Nestle Distributor In Nigeria: Step-by-Step Guide
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Nestlé is the largest food company in the world. It has a presence in over one hundred and eighty countries, employs around two hundred thousand people worldwide, and generates revenue of more than ninety-eight billion Swiss francs annually. Nestlé Nigeria is no different; it’s an integral part of Nigerian society with its products available at most supermarkets across the country. If you are interested in becoming a distributor for Nestlé Nigeria then this article will provide information on how to register as well as what distributors can expect from being affiliated with this global giant.

What is Nestlé Nigeria?

Nestlé Nigeria is the largest manufacturer of beverages in Nigeria, and one of the biggest in Africa. Nestlé Nigeria produces products such as Maggi, Iya-Ebe, Sanyo, and Nestea. In 2017 alone, Nestlé produced two billion litres of beverages. As Nigeria’s leading packaged-drink company, Nestlé Nigeria has been active in Nigeria for more than forty years. In addition to Maggi, which has been available in Nigeria since 1963, the company has additional manufacturing plants in Ogbomoso (known as Citco) and Aba (which produces Nigerian Tea). The company was the first multinational company in Nigeria to operate in the entire manufacturing sector.

The Requirements to Become a Nestlé Distributor

There are a few prerequisites for becoming a Nestlé distributor. As mentioned earlier, you must be a Nigerian citizen of not less than 18 years, permanent resident and resident for six months in any part of Nigeria, and be able to read and write. In addition to this, you must also have a minimum of 5 years experience in the industry in the place you want to work.

Furthermore, there is a minimum monthly salary which must be paid by every distributor from month 1, even if they are not meeting the targets. However, there is also a small possibility of a 50% payout if you meet all the pre-existing requirements and other profit targets.

To be a distributor, you must provide:

1. Your phone number

2. Your passport photograph


Why Become a Nestlé Distributor?

You can set up a Nestlé Nigeria account using www.ntsalert.com to begin the registration process. The online portal can also be accessed by calling or emailing their customer care centre on 080 888 4981, or 0806 721 1426. Nestlé Nigeria operates in thirty-eight states of the Federation. It also offers special accounts for distributors who operate in rural areas. The products include KitKat, Nescafe, Milo, Sensodyne, Boost, Mega Slurp and Nema Alade. Distributors who are interested in this opportunity should contact the company’s customer care centre in order to ensure that they are properly registered. The company offers training and the opportunity to attend customer training on a voluntary basis. The company runs regular sales promotions that are open to retailers and consumers.

How to Register as a Nestlé Distributor

First of all, prospective distributors should note that the firm is in the process of reaching out to prospective people for supply agreements to supply Nestlé products into their outlets. Interested individuals are asked to apply at their local offices across the country.

Successful candidates will be selected based on the position they are applying for as well as their business readiness and competitive pricing strategies. They will also have to participate in a two-day basic training and orientation workshop that will cover fundamental knowledge of the products and a sample product identification procedure.

Requirements for Renewing Your Contract with Nestlé Nigeria
Nestlé Nigeria is part of a larger operation, an international company that supplies its goods to almost every country in the world. The company first registers all its distributors under a management fee contract (MWCD), then those distributors will then be listed and paid for. Each distributor must renew his/her contract on the 5th day of the 1st month of the following year. Every contract renewals at the same price regardless of the past year’s sales. The main purpose of renewing is to ensure the flow of cash from the company’s budget to its distributors.

To renew, a distributor must pay a premium of US$4,100 per distributor per annum. The amount varies depending on the number of years the contract is renewed.

Benefits of Being a Nestlé Distributor
As a Nestlé distributor you will enjoy all the benefits associated with the Nestlé Group including:

Premium brands

Competitive pricing

Efficient service

VIP customer care

Network of local distributors

There are various business packages that distributors can subscribe to which will provide additional benefits:

Access to Nestlé’s brand ambassador programs. This program includes a number of benefits. For example, you will receive periodic communication that demonstrates appreciation for your loyal business. This can be a word of mouth marketing campaign or a letter of appreciation.


Becoming a distributor is not an easy task. However, with the little knowledge you possess you can achieve success. The right skills and the right attitude will ensure that you are more than qualified to become a distributor, but without the right people behind you and your knowledge base you will never be able to succeed.

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