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How to Buy Nigerian Qua-Iboe Crude Oil
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How to Buy Nigerian Qua-Iboe Crude Oil

Nigeria is the largest producer of Qua-Iboe crude oil in Africa. The country’s production of this type of oil has been growing steadily, and it is expected to continue to do so in the foreseeable future. Nigeria’s production of Qua-Iboe crude oil will also soon increase due to new projects under development. It is challenging for both individual and commercial buyers to source Nigerian Qua-Iboe crude oil, as there are very few suppliers available on the market. However, if you are interested in purchasing this type of oil in small amounts or would like to become an intermediary reselling it at a markup, read on for information about its characteristics and how you can buy it.

What is Nigerian Qua-Iboe Crude Oil?

Qua-Iboe, or QI, is a type of light crude oil produced in the Niger Delta which supplies most of Nigeria’s crude oil exports. This crude oil type is also produced in nearby countries, including Angola and the Republic of Congo, but the majority of the world’s supply is produced by Nigeria. It is one of the most important types of crude oil produced in Africa, as it is of high quality and can be refined into a wide range of petroleum products. The Qua-Iboe name comes from the QI/MB-L-80 crude oil marker produced at the MB-L-80 oil field in the Niger Delta. This is the most common type of crude oil produced in Nigeria, accounting for approximately 50% of the country’s crude oil output.

How Can You Buy Nigerian Qua-Iboe Crude Oil?

As the largest producer of Qua-Iboe crude oil in the world, Nigeria is able to supply small amounts of it to buyers on the open market. However, large refineries are often interested in large contractual quantities at a time and do not offer smaller orders. If you would like to purchase Nigerian Qua-Iboe crude oil, you may have to go through an intermediary agent. These agents buy large quantities of Qua-Iboe crude oil and resell it to smaller buyers at a markup. If you would like to buy a large quantity of oil, try contacting an agent directly. Smaller buyers will often have to wait for the agent to negotiate the sale of their entire crude oil shipment. This can take a long time and may be difficult to coordinate if you are trying to buy a large quantity of oil at once.

The Importance of Qua-Iboe Crude Oil

QI crude oil is the most common type of crude oil produced in Nigeria and can be found in most of the country’s oil fields. This type of crude oil is especially desired by refineries, as it can easily be processed and refined into a wide range of petroleum products, including gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel. QI crude oil is also more desirable because it has a lower sulfur content than other types of crude oil and is therefore considered better for the environment. The refining of QI crude oil is particularly simple compared to other crude types, making it an especially desired type of crude oil for refineries.

Negotiating Terms When Buying Nigerian Qua-Iboe Oil

When purchasing Nigerian Qua-Iboe crude oil, you will want to be sure you do so at a reasonable price. Be sure to consider the type of crude oil that you are buying as well as the location from which it is being delivered. Once you have agreed to a price with your supplier, make sure to get a contract in writing to ensure that all terms have been met. Make sure to follow up with your supplier regularly to ensure that everything is being handled properly. You will also want to make sure that your supplier has all the necessary permits for exporting their oil. When buying crude oil from Nigeria, you will want to make sure that it is of high quality, since the reputation of all Qua-Iboe crude oil is tied to its quality.

Bottom Line

The largest producer of Qua-Iboe crude oil in the world is Nigeria, which produces a high percentage of QI crude oil. While this type of oil is desired by refineries because it is easy to process and refine, it is also more expensive than other types of crude oil. If you are interested in purchasing Nigerian Qua-Iboe crude oil, you will want to be sure that you are buying high-quality oil.

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